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The user interface of the stand-alone search tool for Excel, Word and Powerpoint.
The user interface of the stand-alone search tool for Excel, Word and Powerpoint.
Bubble clouds for search results.
Relevance bars for search results.
Click Select file, pick an Excel file and click OK. Enter text in the keyword field and press Enter, this analyzes the corresponding Excel file(s) and produces search results. If the spreadsheet isn't extremely large, the search is performed as you type, so you don't have to press Enter.
You can individually view those processed files by either double-clicking on these on the list, or right-clicking and choose the appropriate option :
Processing results
When you do so, Excel opens the corresponding file and navigates to the corresponding cell.
This is how search within a single Excel file is done. You can however search within an entire folder of Excel files by clicking on Select folder instead of Select file.
If a Word document is being searched, right-clicking on search results opens Word and navigates towards the target text fragment. It works the same for a Powerpoint presentation.
Using wildcards (? and *) : whenever there is a need to search for words where at least one letter is unknown, check the wildcards option and then use a question mark (?) in the keyword for any unknown letter, and use an asterisk (*) in the keyword for any group of unknown letters. So by using ma?y as a keyword, this will match both mary and maly for instance. And by using b*d, it will match both bd, bad, bbd, backed and so on.
At any moment, search results can be exported to a tab file for further analysis. Just click on Export results.
The match rankings are either of this : Match, Score, Order, Exact. And the matching works as follows :
- Match : the keyword is found somewhere inside the content.
- Score : the keyword is found somewhere inside the content, and one or more letters can be missing or mistyped. Results are ordered according to best match ranking.
- Order : same than Score for the matching but the results are ordered according to how they come in the sheets, which is usually left to right and top to bottom.
- Exact : the keyword matches exactly the content.
Content | | Keyword match algorithm for "abcd" |
| | Match | Score | Order | Exact |
abc | | | √ | √ | |
abcd | | √ | √ | √ | √ |
abdc | | | √ | √ | |
abcde | | √ | √ | √ | |